Auto Body Repair

Auto body, collision repair and restoration facilities are all subject to a variety of environmental requirements.

New Hampshire has over 400 auto body, collision repair and restoration facilities, which are subject to a variety a local, state, and federal environmental requirements, especially those governing hazardous wastes and air emissions. Through compliance assistance, SBTAP encourages compliance with environmental requirements, and helps create a healthier environment for workers and the state of New Hampshire.

The Small Business Technical Assistance Program (SBTAP) can help auto body/collision repair/restoration facilities reduce their air emissions, water discharges and waste generation, while encouraging compliance with environmental regulations, and creating a safer workplace and a healthier environment.

a car is covered with white cloth and tapeSpray Booth Requirements

Spray painting must be performed within an enclosure that is maintained under negative pressure to capture over- spray on a filter technology that can demonstrate at least a 98% capture efficiency.

Learn more about requirements 

sky above the cloudsAuto Body Shops and NH Regulated Toxic Air Pollutants

Auto body shops are subject to Env-A 1400 Regulated Toxic Air Pollutants (RTAPs). However, they can be exempt if certain conditions are met.

Learn more about pollutants  


close-up of open paint cansManaging Waterborne Paints

NHDES does not require auto body shops to switch to waterborne paints. While the Ozone Transport Commission, of which New Hampshire is a member, did recommend requiring auto body shops to switch to waterborne paints, New Hampshire did not adopt this recommendation.

Learn more about the management of waterborne paints