2023 Aquatic Resource Mitigation (ARM) Grant Round Virtual Office Hour

Start Date: April 05, 2023
Start Time: 10:00 AM
End Time: 11:00 AM
Location: Virtual (Teams)

Request for Pre-Proposals: The 2023 ARM Grant Round is Now Open!

Nearly $5 million is available for aquatic resource mitigation in the Merrimack, Pemigewasset-Winnipesaukee, Salmon Falls-Piscataqua and Upper Connecticut watershed service areas.

The ARM Fund Program ensures that funds generated through In-Lieu Fee (ILF) mitigation payments for unavoidable impacts to wetlands, streams and other aquatic resources are used to fund projects that replace, restore or protect aquatic resources within the same watershed. To meet the goal of no net loss of wetland functions, the ARM Fund is redirecting focus from resource preservation to sustainable restoration and enhancement of aquatic resources.

Please register to participate in the 2023 ARM Grant Round Virtual Office Hour. ARM Program Staff will provide an overview of the 2023 grant round, application process, targeted projects and more.

For more information on the program and grant round Visit: Aquatic Resource Mitigation Fund