soilSHOP Events

Soil Screening, Health, Outreach and Partnership.

soilshop logoSoilSHOP is an initiative created by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) to provide community members with free lead screening of soil gathered from their gardens or outdoor play area(s). Along with state and federal partners, New Hampshire APPLETREE staff host soilSHOP events to raise community awareness about lead hazards and how to reduce and prevent lead exposures.

Why should I screen my soil?

kids dig in dirtWith the rise in community and urban gardening, it’s important to prevent exposures to contaminants that may be found in soil, like lead. Lead in soil comes from flaking paint, years of factory pollution and leaded gasoline in cars. When lead gets in soil it does not wash away or dissolve; it lasts forever. 

Children often play in soil and mud and may put leaded dirt from their hands and toys into their mouths. Lead exposure, particularly in children, can cause irreversible and life-long health such as impairing their ability to think, concentrate and learn. No safe blood lead level has been identified. The only way to know if there is lead in your soil is to get it tested. 

How can I participate?

staff sit behind a table at a boothCollect soil from your yard, garden, etc., and bring it to a soilSHOP event in a sealable, clear plastic bag. Our trained staff will screen the soil for lead after the event and provide follow up information on what the soil screening results mean, tips on how to lower and prevent exposures, and resources if you are concerned about potential lead exposures.

Watch this video on how to collect and prepare a soil sample.

Upcoming events

  • None at this time. 
  • Please reach out if your community is interested in partnering with the NHDES APPLETREE team to host a soilSHOP event. 

Get in touch

Questions or concerns? Please reach out to