Building Outdoor Classrooms

August 14, 2020

How Cool is That?! –Environmental Education for pre-K – age 99

What do stumps, mosquito netting, rain shelters, tents and fire pits all have in common? They are low-cost infrastructure to get students into an “outdoor classroom.” K-5, middle school science, art, music and PE teachers, guidance counselors and others are interested in teaching outdoors to keep everyone safe from COVID-19. Beyond the need to safely navigate COVID-19 issues, “There is a large and growing body of research that demonstrates the benefits of outdoor learning for mental health and well-being, stress reduction, physical health, student engagement, and academic success.” Getting students and teachers outside to learn can also help them deal with the stresses of the pandemic. Interested in outdoor classrooms at your school? Here are some resources to get started:

Guidance and ideas

Upcoming webinars:

  • Antioch University offers a webinar series on outdoor spaces/curriculum (and many other topics, too!)
  • Creating Outdoor Spaces for Nature Play & Learning, Thursday, August 13
  • Elementary Curriculum Outdoors, Thursday, August 20
  • Risk Management in the Outdoors, Thursday, August 27


(Picture credits to Cindy Hanson, building outdoor classrooms August 2020)