Cancellation of proposed relief pulse for the lower Lamprey River

September 07, 2022

This is a notification that low flow conditions have been relieved on the Lamprey River by natural precipitation received on September 5th and 6th. The relief pulses from Pawtuckaway Lake and Mendums Pond proposed for September 7th have been cancelled as a result. The Water Use Alert for the lower Lamprey River will most likely also be terminated shortly, as it is anticipated that streamflow at the USGS gage near Newmarket will remain above 18 cubic feet per second (cfs) for more than two days.
Yesterday’s average daily streamflow was 22.8 cfs and is currently 32.4 cfs. Daily average streamflows in the Lamprey River are published by US Geological Survey at LAMPREY RIVER NEAR NEWMARKET, NH - USGS Water Data for the Nation. The protected instream flow criteria and the current streamflow conditions can be found on the Department’s Instream Flow webpage at Current Lamprey River Instream Flow Conditions
Thanks to all who have followed their Water Use Plans and Dam Management Plans during the recent drought, especially the staff of NHDES’ Dam Bureau, without whose cooperation the recent series of relief pulses would not have been possible.


Joseph Schmidl, PG, CWS, DSDS Instream Flow Specialist
Instream Flow Program, Watershed Management Bureau
Water Division, New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services
P.O. Box 95
Concord, NH  03302-0095
Phone: (603) 271-3280