Climate Change Drinking Water Initiatives

August 15, 2022

Climate change is altering the water cycle, the global water distribution system we all rely on. These changes can adversely impact water quantity, quality and infrastructure.

The largest contributor to climate change is associated with energy consumption. Water and wastewater systems are large energy consumers. For this reason, DWGB has implemented numerous climate change assessment, resilience and mitigation initiatives.

DWGB is integrating climate change considerations across all its programs. Each program has identified how it can align and modify its internal and external processes, regulations and messaging to consider and address climate change. Below are some of the DWGB initiatives that will assist New Hampshire water systems in becoming more resilient:

  • New pilot program to conduct comprehensive climate change vulnerability assessments at several water and wastewater utilities.
  • Funding and assisting with the publication of the 2022 New Hampshire Climate Assessment report prepared by the University of New Hampshire.
  • Funding a study in the coming year that will model water table rise due to sea level rise in New Hampshire’s Coastal Zone and Portsmouth in order to support a vulnerability assessment.
  • Administering contracts and grant programs to conduct energy audits for water systems and to fund the implementation of the audit findings.
  • Administering grants and contracts for water audits and leak detection.
  • Maintaining New Hampshire’s Drought Management Plan.
  • Administering emergency preparedness programs, which include responding to extreme weather.
  • Assisting with developing and administering programs to fund private well mitigation in response to extreme weather for low-income households.

For more information, please contact (603) 271-2513.

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