Commissioner's Column: NHDES joins Recovery Friendly Workplace Initiative

September 15, 2022

I am proud to share that NHDES recently joined the New Hampshire Recovery Friendly Workplace Initiative. Substance Use Disorder (SUD) is when an individual uses a harmful substance, such as opioids or alcohol, to the extent that it interferes with a person’s well-being or ability to participate in daily activities. NHDES understands that Recovery Friendly Workplaces support the community by recognizing that individuals in recovery from SUD is a strength. We want to encourage a healthy and safe environment, and eliminate barriers to recovery for those impacted by addiction.

Recently, NHDES decided to strengthen our workplace culture by offering resources to promote health, well-being and recovery for employees and their family members. We aspire to lead other employers in creating and maintaining a Recovery Friendly Workforce through awareness and education.

If your organization is interested in learning how you can become a Recovery Friendly Workplace, you can reach out to Shannon Bresaw, MSW, with the New Hampshire Governor’s Recovery Workplace Program at