Drum Roll Please! The 2022 Asset Management Award Goes to…

March 03, 2023

Plymouth Village Water and Sewer District (PVWSD)! The 2022 Asset Management Award given by NHDES recognizes exemplary Asset Management Programs (AMPs) implemented by public water systems within the state.

Smiling man holding an award.
Jason Randall, Superintendent at Plymouth Village Water & Sewer

This year’s award to PVWSD highlights not only AMP implementation but also continued expansion of its program, which created a cultural shift along the way.  The water system operates a sustainable and resilient water and wastewater utility at a level of service that is acceptable to PVWSD customers by leveraging the most effective asset management techniques and resources available. PVWSD has adopted a road map allowing them to maximize the life expectancy of their assets. Importantly, it identifies both short- and long-term funding strategies to ensure that assets are continuously providing the level of service expected by the stakeholders. PVWSD staff also serve as mentors for other utilities. Read more about the great work conducted by PVWSD.   

In 2019, the NHDES Asset Management Award was established by the NHDES DWGB, Wastewater Engineering Bureau and Watershed Management Bureau.