Electric vehicles direct current fast charging infrastructure request for proposals released

November 01, 2021

Annual electric vehicle (EV) registrations have been increasing in New Hampshire. To enable EV travel by residents and visitors, the state needs more publicly accessible EV charging stations. This will not only encourage EV adoption by alleviating “range anxiety” for EV drivers, but will also reduce harmful emissions.

To provide more publicly accessible EV charging stations, NHDES has released a request for proposals (RFP) for a Volkswagen Trust funding opportunity. The RFP, which was released on September 17, seeks proposals to install direct current fast charging (DCFC) and co-located Level 2 EV supply equipment (EVSE) on key travel corridors in the state. DCFC facilities, designed to provide for rapid charging along heavily traveled corridors, can provide 60 to 80 miles of range per 20 minutes of charging while Level 2 chargers provide 10 to 20 miles of range for each hour of charging. 

The RFP seeks qualified applicant(s) to install DCFC and EVSE, and provide associated operations, maintenance and management services along specified corridors in New Hampshire. Funding for the RFP is provided through New Hampshire’s Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust and is consistent with the New Hampshire Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. All information regarding the RFP can be found on the Volkswagen funding webpage of the NHDES website.

Responses to the RFP are due Friday, January 7, 2022 by 4 PM. For further information on the RFP or the New Hampshire VW Environmental Mitigation Trust, please email timothy.white@des.nh.gov.