Get the Lead Out of Drinking Water Campaign

August 15, 2022

A state law enacted in 2018 requires testing for lead in drinking water at schools and childcare facilities. Testing is required regardless of whether a facility gets its water from a well or a public water system. Every drinking fountain, kitchen sink, or faucet that children use must be tested. New legislation signed by the Governor on July 8, 2022, makes changes to the testing program, including lowering the standard from the current 15 parts per billion (ppb) to 5 ppb. Visit for the most recent information about testing requirements.

NHDES is working with an outreach contractor to collect data from the first round of testing that was not previously submitted to NHDES, develop an outreach campaign, and develop training materials for the next round of testing, which is anticipated to begin this summer. Assistance with laboratory analytical costs is available for public schools and licensed childcare facilities for the next round of sampling, and remediation funding is available for public and nonpublic schools. For more information, visit or contact or (603) 506-6469.

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