Helping small businesses in New Hampshire

September 15, 2022

For more than 30 years, the Small Business Technical Assistance Program (SBTAP) at NHDES has been providing environmental compliance assistance to small businesses in New Hampshire. Section 507 Title V of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendment required each state to create a program that supports small businesses to assist with the ever changing, sometimes confusing environmental rules.

Bottom of the Hill Auto, located in Antrim, is just one example of a small business to which SBTAP provided environmental compliance assistance. Bottom of Hill Auto opened in 2017. Brett Flagg, co-owner and operator, along with some help from his dad Mike Flagg, who is retired with over 40 years in the auto repair business, offers auto repair, New Hampshire state inspections and auto body work. Brett named his shop after his dad’s shop, Top of the Hill Auto in Hancock, which open in the 90s.

“Our favorite part of owning our business is being able to help others in our tight-knit community. The three of us were born and raised in these very small towns where just about everybody knows each other,” said Hannah Kulbacki, co-owner.

SBTAP provided compliance assistance to Bottom of the Hill Auto on New Hampshire Hazardous Waste Rules, including Small Quantity Generator requirements.

“Visiting small businesses throughout New Hampshire is one the best parts of my job. Meeting small business owners and their families face-to-face and one-on-one makes this work personable and creates connections that last for years,” said Sara Johnson, SBTAP Manager.
If you follow NHDES on social media, you will see some other places SBTAP has visited. For more information on the program, visit the SBTAP webpage.