Leaf and Yard Waste

October 26, 2023

In New Hampshire, leaf and yard waste is banned from being disposed in landfills and incinerators. It’s also against the law to dump your leaves and yard waste in wetland areas without a permit. Disposal of yard waste directly into surface waters, such as streams, rivers, lakes or ponds, contributes an unnatural amount of organic matter that can negatively impact the water turbidity and oxygen levels for aquatic organisms.

Use the leaves on your own property as compost or mulch!

Management options:

  • Leave the shredded leaves on your lawn as a natural fertilizer.
  • Compost your leaves with grass clippings, food scraps and other organics.
  • Drop off your leaves at your local transfer station to be composted.
  • Bag your leaves and leave them on the curb for pickup if your curbside provider offers this service.

Fact Sheet SW-3: Municipal Composting of Yard Waste

Handling invasive plants

Do not put invasive plants with your leaf and yard waste. Dispose of invasive plants in your regular trash. Other methods may control spreading, such as solarization and composting, but specific strategies depend on the plant species and goals of the property owner/manager.

Learn how to manage invasive aquatic and upland plants.


Please contact the Solid Waste General Helpline via email at solidwasteinfo@des.nh.gov or by phone at (603) 271-2925.

Visit our Managing My Waste page to learn about other types of household waste.