Low Tech Solutions for Big Savings

August 19, 2020

Wasted beer is a high strength waste requiring treatment when it reaches the wastewater treatment plant and is costly for the municipality to treat. In order to better manage the brewery’s energy and water use, To Share Brewing in Manchester is participating in the National Brewer’s Association Benchmarking Program.

As brewing began, To Share noted there was a significant amount of saleable beer lost in the process of transferring the beer from the fermentation tanks to the serving tanks in the cooler. A system was already in place to use the shortest hose run possible for the transfer, but this required at least 40 feet of hose. To minimize this loss even further, To Share created a port with a sealing plug in the side of the walk in cooler, allowing the transfer hose to go directly into the cooler and not lose cool air through the port. This port reduced the amount of beer lost per transfer by about 4-5 gallons per transfer.

For more information, please read Case Study: To Share Brewing Company.