March 2020: A Socially Distant Way to Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day

March 21, 2020

The current public health crisis with the novel coronavirus has been a major disruption to our lives, in ways that could not have been expected as well as some for which most people were not prepared. With so many people working remotely and children learning remotely, the desire for connection is stronger than ever. And with that comes a need to feel like we are doing something positive, while staying socially distant.

The NHDES social media challenge initiated to honor the 50th anniversary of Earth Day on April 22, 2020 is something that can achieve both.

The purpose of the #OneThing4Earth Challenge is for people to record a short video or take photos of themselves doing one thing that is good for Earth, then in the video, challenge their family, friends and others to do their own video. People who accept the challenge should post the videos on any or all of their social media platforms (Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter) and use the hashtag #OneThing4Earth and tag NHDES.

NHDES Commissioner Bob Scott started the challenge by posting his video of his home compost pile and challenging his entire staff to post their videos. Many NHDES employees have accepted the challenge, and now you can answer the question: What’s your one thing? Join us in recognizing the importance of Earth Day by participating in the #OneThing4Earth video challenge! You do not have to be challenged to participate, but remember in your video to challenge your friends, family, coworkers and others to join in.

NHDES has the following social media handles:
Instagram: @nhenvironmentalservices
Facebook: @NHEnvironmentalServices
Twitter: @NHDES

And don’t forget to search for “#OneThing4Earth” on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to see what has already been posted.


This GREENWorks article can be also be found in our document library.