NHDES’ 2023 Source Water Protection Conference

August 04, 2023

The Bureau’s Source Water Protection Program held its annual conference on May 16 beginning with a keynote presentation by USEPA regarding the agency’s Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Strategic Roadmap to reduce and remediate PFAS compounds. Nearly 150 people attended the event that included technical sessions concerning research identifying the distribution and fate of PFAS in surface water in coastal New Hampshire, monitoring drinking water for cyanobacteria, and partnering to conserve critical water supply lands, along with other sessions involving how to improve local codes that protect groundwater.


Man presenting an award to a woman and two men.
Commissioner Bob Scott presented the 2023 Source Water Protection Award to Albert Pratt, Water Resources Manager, Suzanne Woodland, Deputy City Manager/Deputy City Attorney and Brian Goetz, Public Works Director at the 2023 Source Water Protection conference.

Commissioner Bob Scott offered some opening remarks and presented NHDES awards to the City of Portsmouth as well as Arik Jones, Superintendent of the Rye Water District, and the Town of Rye for their work to institute local codes to restrict water use during state-declared droughts.

Portsmouth was awarded the agency’s 2023 Source Water Protection Award for the City’s multi-year effort to protect high-priority water supply lands around the Bellamy Reservoir. Portsmouth’s coordination with the Southeast Land Trust to conserve critical water supply lands stands out as a state model. Brian Goetz, the City’s Public Works Director, Albert Pratt, Water Resources Manager, and Suzanne Woodland, Deputy City Manager/Deputy City Attorney, were on hand to receive the award.

Man presenting award to a woman and man.
Commissioner Bob Scott with Becky Bergeron, Town of Rye Assistant Town Administrator and Mr. Arik Jones (right), Superintendent of the Rye Water District receiving NHDES’ 2023 Source Sustainability Award.

The 2023 Source Sustainability Award was presented to Arik Jones, Superintendent of the Rye Water District, and the Town of Rye. Becky Bergeron, Town of Rye Assistant Town Administrator, received the award on behalf of the Town. In 2021, Mr. Jones played an instrumental role in defining the impact large water users were having on the water system’s wells during state-declared drought. He then worked with users, including irrigation companies, to significantly reduce water demand. In 2022, Ms. Bergeron played a key role in assisting the Rye Board of Selectman to adopt a town-wide lawn watering restriction bylaw that restricts lawn watering based on the severity of the drought.  

For more information about the NHDES Source Water Protection Program, please contact Pierce Rigrod, NHDES Drinking Water and Groundwater Supervisor at pierce.a.laskey-rigrod@des.nh.gov or (603) 271-0688.

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