NHDES staff demonstrate generous spirit

January 05, 2024

This past holiday season, NHDES employees raised thousands of dollars for the Capital Region Food Program and again took part in the state’s Operation Santa Claus, raising money and providing gifts for children in the state. 

Capital Region Food Program 

NHDES raised $2,500 in one month to help the Capital Region Food Program’s Holiday Food Basket Project. The CRFP’s mission is to help to reduce hunger in the greater Concord area through distribution of food to individuals, families and local agencies. Instead of the traditional food drive, NHDES collected donations electronically, and inspired giving through some spirited challenges and a focus on the need in our communities.  

Operation Santa Claus  

The NHDES Operation Santa Claus (OSC) Team works diligently each year to help address the needs of less fortunate children (and their families) during the holiday season and beyond. The OSC campaign is sponsored by the State Employees Association of New Hampshire (SEIU Local 1984).  

As a result of generous donations, NHDES was able to provide 73 children with Christmas presents in 2023.  

Over $4,500 was raised from a bake sale, basket raffles, a Crock-Pot cook-off and an Indian Dinner auction. NHDES finds comfort in knowing that many wonderful children across New Hampshire, who may be living in challenging conditions through no fault of their own, will be smiling during the holidays.