Service Line Inventory

August 15, 2022

USEPA’s new Lead and Copper Rule Revision (LCRR) requires each community water system (CWS) and non-transient, non-community (NTNC) water system to develop and submit an inventory of all service lines within the water system’s distribution system by October 16, 2024. The inventory is intended to identify the location and material of all lead service lines (LSL) within public water systems. This applies to the service line from the water main to the structure, including portions that may be privately owned. The street address and material of each service line must be made publicly accessible. In certain instances where sampling data dictate, some systems will also be required to submit a plan for replacing the lead or galvanized lines.

To manage these data, NHDES solicited proposals to develop a lead service line inventory reporting tool for all CWSs and NTNC systems to use when submitting their LSL inventory. The tool will be a web-based application that allows systems to input data, evaluate sample site locations, and provide a map-based inventory for their customers to reference.

NHDES is also developing a program to assist small systems in preparing their inventories. NHDES will contract with consultants to work with small CWSs and NTNC systems to review service line data, prepare inventories, and make recommendations for sampling and replacement plans.

Funding will also be available to assist large public water systems (PWSs) in developing their inventories. This may include hiring a consultant or using staff to conduct inspections inside buildings, digging test pits and reviewing all available data. More information on these programs will be available soon.

Steps you can take now:

  • Organize all your existing data, such as service tie cards, building permits, record drawings, etc.
  • Ask your water system staff and building inspector to document the service line material when doing work, such as meter replacements or plumbing inspections.
  • Encourage residents and businesses to use the Protect Your Tap 10-minute Lead Test and report their results to the water system. (Also available in Spanish.)

For more information, contact Jen Mates at or (603) 559-0028.

Read the full issue