Winter Ecology

February 01, 2021

How Cool is That?! –Environmental Education for pre-K – age 99

Winter…brrrr! Gives me the shivers just thinking about living outdoors all winter. But animals and plants have figured out how to not only survive but thrive through long, cold winters. Winter ecology is the study of the relationship between living organisms and how they survive the winter environment. To learn more, visit these two sites for excellent introductions into winter ecology:

Winter Ecology Teacher Guide
Winner Palmer Nature Reserve

And if you’d like a scientist to talk with your class about winter ecology (or other science topics) … you can! Ecosystem scientists from New Hampshire’s world famous Hubbard Brook Research Foundation are offering Zoom meetings with classes. See a list of scientists and their research areas. This is a great opportunity for students to discuss not only scientific topics but what it is like to work as a scientist. If you see a scientist and topic of interest on the list, contact them at
Also, Hubbard Brook offers other "remote-appropriate" lessons and new outdoor activities that are suitable for use either in the schoolyard or students' backyards.