For Immediate Release
Date: June 17, 2024


Jennifer Brady , Environmental Program Manager
(603) 271-8522 |

Public Notice: PRLF/DWGTF – Olde Country Village Interconnection with Pennichuck East Utility

Olde Country Village has applied for funds through the State of New Hampshire Drinking Water and Groundwater Trust Fund (DWGTF) and the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) PFAS Remediation Grant and Loan Fund (PRLF) to finance a water infrastructure improvement project in Londonderry, NH.

Whereas this project constitutes only a minor project, and no significant environmental impacts are anticipated, a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) is proposed. Additional information can be found in the Environmental Review.

Questions regarding this project can be directed to NHDES at the contact information above.

Please address any comments about the project to the following locations:

CSA Environmental Consultants
Attn: Chris Albert
36 Stage Road,
Nottingham, NH 03290


NH Dept. of Environmental Services
Attn: Jennifer Brady
MtBE Remediation Bureau – PFAS Remediation Loan Fund
29 Hazen Drive
PO Box 95
Concord, NH 03302