Certified Waste-Derived Products

A waste-derived product is produced using materials or items recovered or diverted from the solid waste stream.

A waste-derived product is a material or item which is produced, in whole or in part, using materials or items which are recovered or diverted from the solid waste stream. Waste-derived products must be certified for distribution and use in New Hampshire. Production, use, and distribution of a certified waste-derived product may be subject to specific terms, restrictions, and specifications. When a certified waste-derived product is used in accordance with the terms of its certification, it is no longer regulated as a solid waste. However, facilities that produce certified waste-derived products may require a solid waste facility permit. For more information, contact the Permitting staff in the Solid Waste Management Bureau at (603) 271-2925 or email SolidWasteInfo@des.nh.gov.

Some waste-derived products have been certified by rule. These can be found in Env-Sw 1503 of the Solid Waste Rules. Other waste-derived products have been certified by an application filed with NHDES, and are listed in the table below (organized by intended use):


List of Certified Waste-Derived Products

Use Waste-Derived Product Approval Number
Alternate Daily Cover

Processed C&D and Soil Mixture


Bottom Ash from Wood-Fired Boilers

Biosolids Incinerator Ash

Metal Shredder Residue

MSW Incinerator Ash from Wheelabrator-Claremont and North Andover, MA

Petroleum Contaminated Soil and Low Asphalt Emulsion (AET-PCS)

Used Garnet Abrasive

Spent Sandblast Media

Processed Shredder Residue

CWDP No. 6

CWDP No. 9

CWDP No. 10

CWDP No. 13

CWDP No. 14

CWDP No. 21     

CWDP No. 22

CWDP No. 29

CWDP No. 30

CWDP No. 31

Cold Mix Asphalt Cement Concrete

Virgin Petroleum Contaminated Soil and Asphalt Emulsion Mix

CWDP No. 7
Compost Bulking Agent Coal Ash from Schiller Station CWDP No. 2
Construction Aggregate

Crushed Glass


Manchester WWTF Sludge Incinerator Ash Aggregate

Bottom Ash from Wood-Fired Boilers


CWDP No. 11

CWDP No. 17

CWDP No. 18

CWDP No. 19

CWDP No. 27

Driveway Wearing Course

Clean, Shucked Clam or Mollusk Shells

CWDP No. 25
Fill Material Controlled Low Strength Material with Coal Ash from Merrimack & Schiller Stations DES-SW-CR-97-001
Fill Material at Nashua Four-Hills Landfill Non-Hazardous, Low Level Contaminated Soil CWDP No. 24
Fuel Processed Waste Vegetable Oil CWDP No. 23
Landfill Grading Material Processed C&D Fines and Soil Mixture CWDP No. 20
Liming Material Wood Ash CWDP No. 8
Sludge Bulking Agent Hampsorb DES-SW-CR-96-011
Soil Amendment

Spent Brewery Diatomaceous Earth

International Paper Wood/Paper Mill Sludge Ash Material

Dewatered Coffee Grounds

Rousselot Gel Cake

CWDP No. 5

CWDP No. 15

CWDP No. 16

CWDP No. 28

Filing an Application to Certify Waste-Derived Products

The Application to Certify a Waste-Derived Product for Distribution and Use is available for anyone seeking to certify a waste-derived product that is not already certified (either by rule, or by approval listed in the table above). Application requirements can be found in Env-Sw 1505 of the Solid Waste Rules.