Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions from the small business community.

How do I dispose of damaged electric vehicle batteries?

Damaged electric vehicle batteries must be managed as hazardous waste. If the facility has not notified as a hazardous waste generator, the facility can request a temporary ID for 30-days. Contact NHDES Reporting for temporary ID. NHDES maintains a list of active hazardous waste transporters.

Further guidance on vehicle batteries:
Automotive Battery Recycling Companies
Motor Vehicle Recyclers: Lead Acid Batteries

How do I dispose of an undeployed air bag?

Once an airbag is removed, and can’t be reused, the airbag needs to be managed as hazardous waste. If the facility has not notified as a hazardous waste generator, the facility can request a temporary ID for 30-days. Contact NHDES Reporting for temporary ID. NHDES maintains a list of active hazardous waste transporters.

Further guidance on air bags:
Undeployed Air Bag Units
EPA: Intern Final Rule: Safety Management of Recalled Airbags
EPA: Memo Auto Airbags 2018

My shop power washes muddy ATVs prior to repair work. Vehicle washing is outside on the ground. Do I need to register this wastewater discharge?

Yes, wastewater discharges to the ground from power washing ATVs must be registered with NHDES.


  1. Wash in enclosed bay that is connected to sewer.
  2. Floor drain is connected to registered holding tank.
  3. Obtain a groundwater discharge registration.

Discharge to surface water or storm drain is prohibited.

Further guidance:
Holding Tank for Floor Drains
Protecting Groundwater from Floor Drains and Other Typical Discharges

Can I self-transport used oil from one shop to my other shop that has a used oil burner?

Yes, you can self-transport up to 110 gallons of used oil to another shop if:

  • You own both shops/facilities.
  • The secondary location has a registered used oil burner.
  • The containers are labeled “Used Oil for Recycle”.
  • Used oil is stored and transported in US DOT compliant containers (i.e., good condition, no leaks, compatible with contents).
  • Bill of lading or other paperwork documenting each transaction.

Further Guidance:
Summary of Requirements for Management of Used Oil Being Recycled
Used Oil Shipment Bill of Lading

Can a small business bring their hazardous waste to a household hazardous waste (HHW) day?

Yes, if certain criteria are met.

  1. The small business has a valid small quantity generator (SQG) EPA ID number. 
  2. The municipal HHW coordinator gives approval to participate.
    1. Some cities/towns like Keene, Lebanon, Nashua and Wolfeboro are willing to accept small business waste outside their district.
  3. The small business pre-registers with the hazardous waste transporter, obtains and completes a hazardous waste manifest prior to self-transporting to HHW event.

The small business cannot bring the hazardous waste as a household waste. 

Further guidance and steps:
SQG Self-Transportation to Household Hazardous Waste Collection Events
Hazardous Waste Small Quantity Generator Self-Certification Program

What can I do with used garnet abrasive?

The reddish sand-like material produced as a residual waste during abrasive water-jet cutting, and consisting of used garnet and metal fragments can be used as alternative daily cover at authorized double-lined landfills. The used garnet abrasive must contain less than 5% metal fragments and with no free liquids. 

Further information:
Certified Waste-Derived Product (CWDP) No. 29
List of Certified Waste-Derived Products

Do I need an air permit to operate an evaporator?

Depends on what is in the wastewater. Wastewater evaporators evaporate water. Evaporators are not to be used to illegally dispose of volatile hazardous waste.

A source must complete a regulated toxic air pollutants (RTAPs) compliance demonstration.

If evaporator emissions pass a RTAP compliance demonstration and no VOCs are in the wastewater, an air permit for an evaporator is not required.

If the wastewater contaminants change, another RTAP compliance demonstration would be required. 

Further guidance on evaporators:
New Hampshire’s Air Toxic Control Program
Hazardous Waste Limited Permit Requirement FAQs

Do I need to complete a regulated toxic air pollutant (RTAP) compliance determination for my used oil furnace?

Depends on what is in the used oil.

If the used oil was generated onsite and nothing has been added to the used oil other than automotive oil, steering fluid, and braking fluid, or collected from a do-it-yourselfer (DIY) then a RTAP compliance determination is not necessary.

If the used oil has been mixed with hazardous waste, such as parts washer solution, or any other potential contaminant, a RTAP compliance determination must be completed and documented.

Further guidance on used oil:
Summary of Requirements for Management of Used Oil Being Recycled
Is my "Non-Hazardous" Parts Washer Solution Hazardous?
New Hampshire’s Air Toxic Control Program